Virginia, Northern Neck | We have a DEW (dog early warning) system - a small pack of large dogs.
They are all German Shepherd crosses - shepherd/lab, shepherd/border collie, shepherd/who knows?
Their job is to patrol our perimeter.
They work all night, and sleep part of the day.
We sleep at night, and work part of the day.
It's a match made in dog-heaven.
I have been involved in state-of-the-art electronic surveillance, both aerial and terrestrial.
Nothing invented so far has more sensitive close-range hearing, sight, or smell than our dog-friends.
Perhaps more important, they are fearless - not afraid of death because they can't think that far.
Even if a bad actor were to kill one or more of them, the others would continue to sound off, sufficient to motivate us to assume a defensive posture.
They are also our best and most loyal friends.
When we hear them barking at night, we know we are in the most protected position possible to achieve. | |