Iowa | I know my dt436's in a 1586 and 5088 will start with no ether and not being plugged in to a much lower temp than my fuel is comfortable with. Started the 5088 one harvest, was gonna pull the wagons 1 mile back to the house - I knew it was cold, but fired right up, about 1/2 way to the field lane tractor started spitting - grabbed phone it was right at 5 degrees. Granted they are probably only about 1500 hrs on overhauls, but I expect them to start down to 0 without any real aids. Usually if I know theyre gonna be run I plug them in before hand. Got a 3588 that isnt as fresh, it'll start down to 20 fairly easy, but its got a lot more stuff to turn with the starter. Usually they get plugged in, but that fall time when the forecast is 25, but they missed and it dropped to 15 can catch you off gaurd.
Theres just something fun about a 2+2 and a blade or blower in the winter. I'm sure you could get it stuck, but you'd really have to try
Theres nothing worse than a poor cold starter in the fall. Ive got an allis 7060 and Agco 9190 - neither of them start worth a hoot under 40. If you shut it off in a spot with no electricity and it drops down into the teens it can hold you back for a couple of hours.
Edited by timis 12/27/2024 18:06
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