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How much do you believe the Becks PFR trials?
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Posted 12/25/2024 15:33 (#11025739 - in reply to #11023767)
Subject: RE: How much do you believe the Becks PFR trials?

Lower Indiana Hill Country
One of the reasons I like Becks PFR is because the trials are replicated in many different locations. That allows you to observe how treatments and practices vary in different climatic regions and across varying soil types. Statistically proposed CHANGES are validated by many replications and the number of trials. The large number of replications should provide a reader with high confidence of the stated results and provide high probability of repeated future results. Therefore, when you conduct your trials, at least 4 replications are needed to have a 80% confidence and 80% probability of valid samples. It takes time to do this work, and then you likely end up with anomalies like shrews eating a hole, sprayer running down a row, etc... I hope everyone is doing some checks and variations...just remember Einstein

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