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Balance sheet adjustment
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Posted 12/24/2024 11:24 (#11024031 - in reply to #11023805)
Subject: RE: Balance sheet adjustment

Central Ga
Boone & Crockett - 12/24/2024 08:38

dko_scOH - 12/24/2024 08:30

No. I can see the rationale for that, if you plan on selling it. But this land will be passed down at my death, with a new basis.
I see. So you and your wife are willing to live/lead a sub-optimal retirement, forgoing the Florida Beach house with the 40’ cabin cruiser out front, complete with the nice plane to get to and fro, so the kids can have the nice beach home, cruiser and plane? Just having a little fun at your behest…..

I have seen a few people, both farmers and non farmers I know well do exactly what you described. Everyone is definitely wired differently, and that’s part of what makes this world an interesting place.
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