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They just don't make appliances to last anymore
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Posted 12/24/2024 09:06 (#11023842 - in reply to #11023723)
Subject: RE: They just don't make appliances to last anymore

East of Broken Bow
I don't think it would be much. The guy that did the inspection said he thought it should fall into the 85-88% efficient range, and a new one runs from 95-98% efficient, which is about a 10% difference (OK, actually 11, but I'm just going by what the guy said).

I asked how he could judge the efficiency, and he said partly by how it was built, and largely by how hot the chimney got. With the furnace running, he held his hand on the chimney and had me try it too. Plenty warm, but could hold your hand on it as long as you wanted without discomfort.
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