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arctic cat 500 four wheeler
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Posted 12/24/2024 08:57 (#11023831 - in reply to #11023268)
Subject: RE: arctic cat 500 four wheeler

Southeast Colorado
This just came to mind........I've got a smaller 300 Arctic Cat 4 wheeler. I use it for a lot of things but moving cows and such requires sometimes hurrying up shifting forward and reverse. The shifter feels a little "flexible" so to speak. In the process I've bent the linkage. I thought I had a tranny problem because it would maybe move and then slip out of gear and just rattle. Anyway, I took the shift linkage off at the tranny and just ran it with pliars/channel locks..........and it worked fine. I don't think I was getting it shifted solidly into gear. I re-bent the linkage and hooked it back up and it's better. It still wants to give me a little I have to concentrate better when shifting it into gear. I don't just pull or push hard and force it in. Not sure if any of this makes sense?? I suppose my drive home point is that perhaps you should undo your shifting linkage first and make sure that your problem persists in the tranny before just giving up on it.
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