Keith Mudd - 12/23/2024 13:49
We VR our corn acres and have for over 10 years. Additionally, we experiment with different populations on beans some years.
Current thinking is that better soil yield better at lower populations while poorer dirt needs higher populations. On average we, as probably most of you, shoot for 140,000 spa.
So, if you VR beans what criteria do you use. Example, if your row spacing and planting date have you planting 140k as a flat rate what percentage of 140 do you drop on your better ground, poorer and average ground. Maybe something like 110k on your best ground, 140k on average and 165k on your poorer soils?
We have used climate for several years and discovered the average difference between soil types in corn and adjusted the population accordingly. We push population in better dirt and reduce it on poorer soil. Wondering about doing the opposite in beans.