Sugarbeet man - 12/23/2024 20:17
Here in west central MN the dry edible bean acres have exploded. Can’t believe all the dry beans this past year in 2024 and a lot of first time growers. These new growers and 1 newer bean buyer are wrecking the dry bean thing here fast in west central MN.
Just to stir the pot a little bit: used to hear almost exactly the same complaint here in Michigan. Only it was the entire Minn Dak region that was being referred to as the problem then.
1986 was an extremely challenging year for everything here- but especially dry beans. It was surprising to me anyway how little time it took for the elevators and buyers move to new areas. It changed our rotations on our farm for sure ultimately.
Edited by pat-michigan 12/24/2024 06:47