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Soybean Pre without Zidua, Dual, or Sulfentrazone
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Posted 12/23/2024 18:37 (#11023060 - in reply to #11022860)
Subject: RE: Soybean Pre without Zidua, Dual, or Sulfentrazone

klar6102 - 12/23/2024 15:14

Main weeds: waterhemp, morningglory, foxtail
No-till/striptill beans, so quite a bit of residue (do some herbicides tie up easier in residue?)

I know, Zidua is the best Grp 15, and sulfentrazone is the best Grp 14.
But I use Zidua in nongmo corn program, and hesitate to use it in beans too.
And the company I'm growing beans for will only treat with Illevo if I want SDS protection, and Ive stunted Illevo beans bad with sulfentrazone in the past.
Dual does not hold back foxtail for us

I was thinking
Warrant, Flexstar, gen Pursuit for my pre at this point


Am guessing you are growing some kind of GMO bean

1 Quart Warrant
8 oz Gen Flexstar
4 oz Gen Sencor DF

1 Quart Warrant
8 oz Gen Flexstar
4 oz Gen Pursuit
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