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Cornerless cattle tubs?
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Posted 12/23/2024 08:44 (#11022245 - in reply to #11021439)
Subject: RE: Cornerless tub pics

Eastern NE KS
I will try to explain why 3 works better than 6 or 7. The lead cow in 3 feels pressured to go away from the pressure. In a larger group the lead cow is 'insulated' from the pressure. The back three cows represent no 'threat' to the leader(s) and she or they become a cork preventing flow.

At the extreme, have taken just one cow to the end of the alley. She responds well to my pressure with just my body, no prodding needed. The next 3 will see the one and usually join her in the same way.

Lastly, I try to make as little hurtful pain inducing efforts as possible. A 8-10 year old cow certainly remembers each an every one of those.
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