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Start Feeding or Keep Grazing
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Posted 12/23/2024 07:32 (#11022145 - in reply to #11018228)
Subject: RE: Start Feeding or Keep Grazing

Russ In Idaho - 12/20/2024 09:12

Rock on!!!! Your protein tubs is the monitoring tool, if not eating them keep grazing. You also said they don't want hay, it's another monitor. Keep minerals going free choice, make sure you get all vaccinations in right now before birth. Looking good, I wish I had your feed right now. Exercise is the best thing make them walk to water. I sure wouldn't be afraid to make them walk a mile to water. More exercise equals less problems.

I apologize for being late to the party, but I have a question for Russ as well as every other cattle boy and girl on NAT. I want to pose the opposite question that ntorreyyy was asking, is this rocket fuel too good for heifers this close to calving? I personally definitely agree with the exercise, but let’s say that the water is right within spitting distance from where that picture was taken, without exercise and all that good feed does anybody have a concern of dystocia or pulling big calves, etc? I personally did something similar to this a year ago, didn’t get the heifers pulled off until about a week prior to calving, we pulled several more than we have since we started AI a couple years ago. I’m not going to base my whole life off one experience, so that’s why I want to reach out to somebody else on here to see what their experiences have been.

This year I put the skinny second calf heifers and younger cows on the cover crop thinking that they may more appropriately be where the condition needs to be added, I think ideally I would save it for the steers and heifers, but I’m gun shy of the hotwire situation.
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