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Cornerless cattle tubs?
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Posted 12/22/2024 14:27 (#11021439 - in reply to #11021319)
Subject: RE: Cornerless tub pics

Seth_ia - 12/22/2024 11:45

cows-n-crops - 12/22/2024 10:13

oldtiger - 12/22/2024 06:15

The one in the ForeMost diagram 1 works the best


I've never used a cornerless tub but it's just trying to fix the problem with other tub.

but it allows for more animals in the tub for longer shoots when you work by yourself. I’m not sure they are useful for everyone but it would be handy to be able to load a long alleyway with one tub full.

Ya rule #1 is don't load more cows in a tub or bud box than what can fit in the alley and chute.

For most of our working facilities I have My Rule #2: 3 at a time! Everything works better in 3's. I can't explain it but if we have trouble it's because they didn't bring 3 head. When we get to the end of a group and it's not going to work out for 3 head, we bring 2 groups of 2 or a group of 4 but try to never have just 1 head by itself.

I think a lot of tubs people try to cram 6 or 7 head in and the cattle end up circling and circling and you end up better off and faster just bringing 3 head at a time.

Everyone's milage will vary but that works the best here.
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