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Part 2 of my raw milk question: taste
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Posted 12/22/2024 06:05 (#11020852)
Subject: Part 2 of my raw milk question: taste

North Central US
Quite a few of you said the taste was better but also seemed to also say "straight from the bulk tank" in the same reply.

Like I said before I'm one generation removed from commercial dairy, my grandfather was the latest one to have milk cows, so things could have changed but:

When they were milking, my grandparents and others in that generation, the bulk tank had basically no processing aside from a screen and some way to cool it.

Are you sure that isn't where the improved taste comes from, it being unseperated, unhomogenized, not that it isn't pasteurized?

With unseperated milk, I can agree with you on the taste, as I've had pasteurized but not separated milk, and that is much richer and to me that is obvious why, since it still has all the cream in it.

Otherwise I'm not trying to argue its just interesting to me, as my family milked cows basically from the day they started homesteading in the Valley, my great, great, grandfather helped get Cass-Clay going way back when, grandpa helped keep two independent creameries going along with selling cream to Cass-Clay, and they all talked at some point in time about how pasteurization was a big deal, something even worth advertising about.
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