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Real farm yields from planting both corn and beans into dead/green covers.
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Posted 12/19/2024 08:43 (#11016582 - in reply to #11015807)
Subject: RE: Real farm yields from planting both corn and beans into dead/green covers.

Thanks so much for the answers so far, the reason I ask is that this year I was going to kill the corn ground ahead of time as the beans but it rained enough that I couldn't get to these 2 farms which are about 9 miles south of me, so planted into headed out rye and whatever else was growing. Floating row cleaners went right though it, rolled it down right after planting and then sprayed it, have done this off and on for years. These 2 farms had 9" of rain in July with maybe a 1" at the end of a very dry June and maybe another 2.5" first 2 weeks in August. Planted end of May. First thing is the yield, best ever by quite a bit from both farms ( rain at the right time! ), the other is no weeds what so ever. The one place has been no-tilled close to 20 years. Dealing with Waterhemp now in some areas so thinking maybe this a way to help control this crap. So just getting as much information now to decide what to do come spring.
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