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SMS map orientation
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   Forums List -> Computer TalkMessage format
Posted 12/1/2024 19:19 (#10991111)
Subject: SMS map orientation

Originally posted in precision:
I've been reading the forum for quite some time and have learned so much just by reading past threads. It is incredibly handy having such a wealth of information from numerous individuals. I recently began using SMS and have thus far picked up on quite a few of its basic capabilities. However, one issue I am having is the map orientation on my fields and associated background imagery. Everything is angling a few degrees off of North. When I download an image, its preview shows roads and sections running true vertical, but then it still angles on my maps. Is there a way to manually shift the viewing angle? More of an annoyance than anything, but it does make it somewhat inconvenient when trying to lay a rectangular shape. I appreciate the help.

(sms example (full).png)

Attachments sms example (full).png (66KB - 26 downloads)
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