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Starting a drone business?
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Posted 9/1/2024 11:53 (#10874685 - in reply to #10874354)
Subject: RE: Starting a drone business?

Sandusky, MI
You are asking a lot of questions? Probably too many to answer with one post. I spray here in the thumb of Michigan. Very few businesses that are drone spraying are completely legal. I've done all the FAA stuff and the state of Michigan stuff. Very easy to see who has the state licensing done and is in compliance. Lots of guys don't and are out drone spraying commercially. Seems like no enforcement from the state. I expect next year the amount of spray guys will be 5 times what there are this year. Need to make sure you have a large customer base that will support your business. I have enough of our own acres to spray to justify the drone which really helps I believe. If you have any questions please email me and maybe we can talk. Good luck. Neil
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